LITurgy for Monday, May 2--Rilke's "Book of Hours"

Reading from “Ich glaube an Alles noch nie Gesagte:” I believe in all that has never yet been spoken./I want to free what waits within me/so that what no one has dared to wish for/may for once spring clear/without my contriving.” (translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy).

Reflection: I was searching for a “May” quote but I only ran across things I haven’t actually read. I don’t want to turn this into just quotes for quotes sake. What is it about the random quote or aphorism that seems annoying? I’ll work that out later. No. All readings and reflections in this LITurgy must come from full works that I’ve read and studied or am in the process of studying.

That idea of “freeing what waits within us” is transformational. I don’t generally like to spend much time on the self-help gurus, but one of those, Dr. Wayne Dyer, said something in one of his PBS fundraising shows that has stuck with me since some time in late 90’s or early 2000’s. He wanted to inspire people “not to die with your art still in you.” My mother died with her art in her. Stifled and burdened by years of patriarchal control and dead-end jobs, she only tapped into her enormous talent for drawing and painting in short bursts. At the end of her life, there were no more bursts and she died with her art in her at the very young age of 53. I will forever carry with me a heavy heart that I couldn’t help her free what waited within her. As an only child, it still hurts every day and I carry that sadness alone.

But may I free what waits within me. Today, choose one hour of the day to let loose the artistic within you. If you’re working on a project, go deep. Turn the screens off. Walk with your project in the woods or on the street. If you, like me, are often juggling too many projects, a job, family, pets, and laundry, find ten minutes to free some image from deep inside you. Don’t edit. Don’t contrive. Just free it. Have a beautiful May 2nd.